SLOAN Flushometers

Upgrade your restrooms with the power of efficiency! Flushometers provide superior hygiene, water conservation, and a sleek look for modern businesses. Shop ProDryers' extensive selection of top brands and find the perfect flushometer for your project today!

Over a century ago, SLOAN© invented a patented diaphragm and piston flushometer technology that continues to pioneer the entire industry to this day. Providing hospitals, living facilities, the food-service industry, and commercial facilities with the best in hands-free flushing technology, SLOAN© continues to improve water efficiency, environmental sustainability, innovation, and industry leadership all in one.

SLOAN© flushometers showcase superior design, premium quality and come with an extensive proven track record of exceedingly high-performance standards. Along with its performance excellence, SLOAN© flushometers have become one of the most trusted names in flushometers found on the market today.

When shopping with us, your number one trusted source of all things hand dryers, hygiene, plumbing, and accessories, you'll find our collection amongst the most varied online. Our extensive range of SLOAN© flushometers includes the following types and models: side mount operations, Royal, Regal, Optima, ECOS, SOLIS, GEM, Naval, and Crown flushometers, with many more models available.

Are you looking for manual or sensor SLOAN© flushometers? We have choices from a vast array of manual varieties with easy handle operations, diaphragm, or piston. If you prefer to go hands-free, choose from an equally large selection of sensor flushometers for the most hygienic convenience. Regardless of what model you become interested in, SLOAN© has been a leading provider in systems that help manage and preserve our planet's precious water and is a leading manufacturer of commercial plumbing systems that pioneer intelligent, water-saving restroom solutions.

SLOAN© flushometers deliver intelligent solutions with higher standards of excellence and responsibility. We are proud to partner with such an innovative company to bring you the most competitive prices on these exceptional plumbing products. At ProDryers©, we are dedicated to building customer relationships based on quality and trust for almost two decades, serving the community and offering budget-friendly products for all industries.

If you are interested in or still have questions about our excellent variety of SLOAN© flushometers, please reach out to us! Call us direct at 734-943-5906, toll-free at 1-888-503-7937, join our live chat on-site, or email us anytime at

Flushometer Types:

Flushometers are innovative plumbing devices commonly used in commercial buildings, public restrooms, and other high-traffic areas. They are designed to efficiently and effectively flush away waste without the need for a traditional gravity-based tank system. Flushometers offer several advantages over conventional toilets, including water conservation, better hygiene, and durability. In this article, we will explore the different types of flushometers available in the market today and their unique features.

Manual Flushometers:

Manual flushometers are the most common type and are operated by a handle or a push button. When activated, the valve opens, allowing water to flow into the bowl and create the necessary pressure for a powerful flush. These flushometers offer reliability and simplicity, making them suitable for various commercial applications.

Sensor-Activated Flushometers:

Sensor-activated flushometers have gained popularity in recent years due to their touchless operation, promoting hygiene and reducing the risk of cross-contamination. These flushometers are equipped with motion sensors, which detect when a user is present and initiate the flushing cycle automatically. After a predetermined period, the flushometer stops the flow of water, ensuring optimal water usage.

Dual-Flush Flushometers:

Dual-flush flushometers are an excellent choice for water-conscious facilities aiming to reduce water consumption. These devices provide two flushing options: a full flush for solid waste and a reduced flush for liquid waste. By giving users the choice, dual-flush flushometers help conserve water while maintaining flushing efficiency.

High-Efficiency Flushometers:

High-efficiency flushometers are designed to use less water per flush, saving resources and reducing operating costs. These flushometers typically have a specified maximum flush volume, ensuring compliance with water conservation regulations. With advancements in technology, high-efficiency flushometers can deliver a strong flush using significantly less water than traditional flushometers.

Pressure-Assist Flushometers:

Pressure-assist flushometers utilize water pressure from the supply line to enhance flushing performance. When activated, water is pressurized within a separate tank, creating a more forceful flush compared to standard flushometers. This technology is particularly beneficial in situations where gravity-based flushing may not be sufficient, such as in buildings with complex plumbing systems or facilities with low water pressure.

It is important to note that flushometers come in various sizes and configurations to accommodate different plumbing systems and fixtures. Whether you need a flushometer for a commercial restroom, school, hospital, or any other public facility, there is a flushometer type that can meet your specific needs.

Exposed Flushometers:

Exposed flushometers, as the name suggests, are installed in a manner that exposes the plumbing components to the user. These flushometers are typically mounted on the wall or on top of the toilet or urinal and are more commonly found in commercial restrooms.

One of the advantages of exposed flushometers is their visibility. The exposed design allows users to easily locate and operate the flush mechanism. This can be particularly helpful in high-traffic areas where users may not be familiar with the layout of the facility. Additionally, the exposed design makes maintenance and repairs easier since the components are readily accessible.

In terms of installation, exposed flushometers are generally easier to install compared to concealed flushometers. They usually require fewer modifications to the existing plumbing system and can be surface-mounted without extensive alterations. This makes them a popular choice for retrofitting existing restrooms.

Concealed Flushometers:

Concealed flushometers, on the other hand, are installed in a manner that hides the plumbing components behind the wall or within the fixture itself. This type of installation is more commonly seen in higher-end commercial buildings or upscale restrooms where aesthetics are a key consideration.

The main advantage of concealed flushometers is the clean and streamlined appearance they offer. By hiding the flush mechanism, the overall look of the restroom is enhanced, giving it a more polished and sophisticated appearance. Concealed flushometers are often used in modern, minimalist restrooms where the focus is on sleek design.

Installation of concealed flushometers requires more planning and coordination during the construction or renovation phase. The necessary plumbing connections need to be implemented behind the wall or within the fixture, which may involve additional labor and expertise. Accessibility for maintenance and repairs can also be a challenge as the flush mechanism may require removal of wall panels or disassembly of the fixture.

Ultimately, the choice between exposed and concealed flushometers depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the facility owner or designer. Factors to consider include the desired aesthetic, level of user familiarity, ease of installation, and accessibility for maintenance.

Flushometer Applications:

Flushometers offer a range of benefits in various settings, making them a popular choice for commercial and residential applications. Here are some specific applications where flushometers excel:

Benefits of Flushometers in Commercial Settings:

Flushometers are particularly well-suited for high-traffic areas like commercial buildings, offices, airports, and public restrooms. Here are some advantages:

  • Water Conservation: Flushometers are designed to deliver a precise amount of water with each flush, reducing water usage compared to traditional tank toilets. This is especially important in commercial settings where numerous flushes occur throughout the day, leading to significant water savings.
  • Hygiene Benefits: The touchless operation of many modern flushometers promotes improved hygiene by reducing the spread of germs and bacteria. With no need to touch a handle or button, users can flush without direct contact, minimizing the transmission of pathogens.
  • Durability: Flushometers are built to withstand heavy use and are often made from durable materials such as brass or stainless steel. This makes them a reliable option for commercial environments where durability is crucial.

Flushometers vs. Toilet Tanks in Residential Settings:

While flushometers are commonly associated with commercial use, they can also be a viable option for residential applications. Here's a comparison of flushometers and toilet tanks in residential settings:

  • Space Considerations: Flushometers are typically wall-mounted, which can save valuable floor space in smaller bathrooms compared to traditional toilet tanks. This makes them ideal for apartments, condos, or bathrooms with limited square footage.
  • Aesthetics: Flushometers offer a sleek and modern aesthetic, particularly when concealed behind the wall. This can enhance the overall design of the bathroom, making it an appealing choice for homeowners seeking a contemporary look.
  • Water Efficiency: Flushometers are known for their water-saving capabilities. With their ability to deliver a precise amount of water per flush, they can minimize water consumption and contribute to eco-friendly practices.

However, it's worth considering that flushometers may require a higher upfront investment and professional installation, which can be more expensive compared to traditional toilet tanks.

Specialty Flushometers:

Flushometers also come in specialty designs to cater to specific needs or requirements. Here are a few examples:

  • Urinal Flushometers: Designed specifically for urinals, these flushometers are engineered to deliver the appropriate amount of water for efficient flushing while conserving water.
  • Low Water Usage Flushometers: These flushometers are engineered to use minimal water per flush, promoting water conservation without sacrificing performance. They are often used in areas where strict water-saving regulations are in place.
  • Handicap Accessibility Flushometers: These flushometers are designed to meet accessibility standards and allow ease of use for people with disabilities. They typically feature larger buttons or touchless operation, ensuring accessibility and convenience.

Flushometer Buying Guide:

  • Water Pressure Requirements: When buying a flushometer, it is important to consider the water pressure requirements of the unit. Some flushometers require a larger supply line, which may not be suitable for small to medium residential buildings.
  • Rough-in Size: The rough-in size refers to the distance between the wall and the center of the toilet bowl. Make sure to measure this distance before purchasing a flushometer to ensure a proper fit.
  • Flushing Power: Consider the flushing power of the flushometer. Commercial flushometers typically provide a high-pressure and better-performing wash and flush than traditional gravity toilets.
  • Warranty Coverage: Look for flushometers that come with a warranty to protect your investment. Check the terms and conditions of the warranty to understand what is covered.
  • ADA Compliance: If you require ADA compliance for accessibility, make sure to choose a flushometer that meets ADA requirements. This may include features like easy-to-use flush handles or sensor-activated flushometers.

Cost Considerations:

  • Upfront Costs: The upfront cost of a flushometer includes the purchase price of the unit. Compare prices from different manufacturers to find a flushometer that fits your budget.
  • Long-Term Costs: Consider the long-term costs associated with a flushometer, including potential water savings. Flushometers are known for their water efficiency, which can lead to reduced water bills over time.
  • Maintenance Costs: Factor in potential maintenance costs when buying a flushometer. While flushometers are durable and reliable, they may require occasional repairs or part replacements.

Flushometer Maintenance and Repair:

  • Basic Maintenance Tips: To keep your flushometer in good working condition, regularly clean the unit and check for any leaks or issues. Use manufacturer-recommended cleaning products to prevent damage.
  • Troubleshooting Common Issues: Common issues with flushometers include clogs, leaks, or sensor malfunctions. Refer to the manufacturer's manual for troubleshooting tips or contact a professional plumber for assistance.
  • When to Call a Professional: If you encounter persistent issues with your flushometer or are unsure how to repair it, it's best to call a professional plumber. They have the expertise to diagnose and fix complex flushometer problems.

Sustainability and Flushometers: Saving Water One Flush at a Time

Conserving water is a crucial aspect of environmental responsibility. In today's world, even small changes in daily habits can make a significant impact. One area where water conservation can be easily achieved is in our restrooms, specifically through the use of water-saving flushometer technologies.

Water-Saving Flushometer Technologies

Flushometers have come a long way from their high-water usage counterparts of the past. Here are some innovative features that promote water conservation in modern flushometers:

  • Dual-Flush Mechanisms: This popular option allows users to choose between a full flush (typically 1.6 gallons) for solid waste and a partial flush (around 0.8 gallons) for liquid waste. This flexibility empowers users to conserve water whenever possible.
  • Sensor Activation: Sensor-operated flushometers eliminate the risk of accidental water waste by triggering the flush only when needed. This is particularly beneficial in high-traffic areas like public restrooms.
  • Pressure-Assist Technology: These flushometers use compressed air to enhance the flushing power, allowing for a clean and effective flush with a lower water volume compared to traditional gravity-fed models.
  • Low-Flow Nozzles: These nozzles are designed to optimize water flow and achieve a powerful flush while using a minimal amount of water.

By incorporating these technologies, flushometers can significantly reduce water usage compared to older models. This translates to lower water bills for building owners and a positive impact on our environment.

Low-Flow vs. High-Efficiency Flushometers: Striking the Right Balance

While water conservation is a priority, achieving a clean and effective flush remains essential. Here's a breakdown of the balancing act between low-flow and high-efficiency flushometers:

  • Low-Flow Flushometers: These models typically use less than 1.6 gallons per flush. They are highly water-efficient but may require multiple flushes in some situations, potentially negating the water-saving benefit.
  • High-Efficiency Flushometers: These models use slightly more water than low-flow models (around 1.28 gallons per flush) but are designed to ensure a clean and effective flush in most cases.

Finding the sweet spot:

The ideal choice depends on several factors, including:

  • Water pressure: Low water pressure may not be suitable for some low-flow models.
  • Waste type: Some low-flow models may struggle with certain types of waste, requiring multiple flushes.
  • Usage: High-traffic areas might benefit from high-efficiency models to minimize the risk of clogs and ensure proper sanitation.

The takeaway: High-efficiency flushometers often provide the best balance between water savings and effective flushing performance.

Building Codes and Flushometer Requirements

Local building codes often play a role in determining the type of flushometer allowed in new constructions. These codes are typically established to promote water conservation and ensure responsible water usage within a community. Here's how building codes can affect flushometer selection:

  • Maximum Water Usage Limits: Many building codes specify the maximum water usage allowed per flush for toilets and flushometers. This encourages the use of water-efficient models.
  • WaterSense Certification: Some building codes may reference or even mandate the use of flushometers that have earned the Environmental Protection Agency's WaterSense certification. WaterSense-labeled flushometers are independently tested and proven to be at least 20% more water-efficient than their non-certified counterparts.

Staying informed about local building codes is crucial when selecting and installing flushometers in new construction projects.

Flushometer Showdown: Sloan vs. Zurn

Choosing the right flushometer brand for your project requires careful consideration. While both - Sloan and Zurn, - are established names known for quality and performance, they cater to slightly different needs and offer unique features. This detailed comparison will help you pick the champion for your specific requirements.

Brand Reputation and History:

Sloan: Renowned as the pioneer in the flushometer industry, Sloan boasts a rich heritage dating back to 1906. They are widely recognized for their durability, reliability, and cutting-edge technology.

Zurn: A trusted brand since 1878, Zurn offers a comprehensive range of commercial plumbing products, including high-performing and cost-effective flushometers

Product Range and Applications:

Sloan: Offers the widest variety of flushometers, encompassing manual, sensor-operated, exposed, concealed, pressure-assist, and gravity-fed models. They cater to high-end commercial applications, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions.

Zurn: Provides a solid selection of flushometers, including both electronic and manual options, suitable for commercial buildings, hospitals, and educational facilities. They are known for offering balance between performance and value.

Innovation and Technology:

Sloan: A leader in flushometer innovation, Sloan continuously develops new technologies to enhance water efficiency, hygiene, and performance. They offer patented features like G2 technology for superior performance and Hygienic Sensor technology for touchless operation.

Zurn: While not at the forefront of cutting-edge technology like Sloan, Zurn incorporates reliable technologies into their flushometers, focusing on functionality and durability. They offer sensor-operated models and water-saving options.

Price and Value:

Sloan: Generally considered a premium brand, Sloan flushometers come with a higher price tag. However, the investment is justified by their durability, advanced technology, and low maintenance costs.

Zurn: Zurn strikes a balance between affordability and performance. They offer high-quality flushometers at competitive prices, making them a valuable choice for projects with budgetary constraints.

Choosing Your Champion:

**For unmatched durability, cutting-edge technology, and a wide range of options, Sloan is the clear choice when it comes to flushometers. They have a long history of innovation and have earned a reputation for their high-quality products. Sloan's flushometers are designed to withstand heavy usage and are built to last, making them a perfect choice for high-traffic areas such as commercial buildings, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions.

Why ProDryers is Your One-Stop Shop for Top-Tier Flushometers

Finding the perfect flushometer for your project requires more than just picking a brand. You need a reliable supplier that offers expert guidance, competitive prices, and exceptional service. That's where ProDryers steps in as your one-stop shop for all your flushometer needs. Here's why ProDryers stands out:

1. Unparalleled Selection:

ProDryers boasts a comprehensive selection of flushometers from leading brands like Sloan, Zurn, and others. This extensive variety ensures you'll find the perfect fit for your project, whether you require:

  • Manual or Sensor-operated models: Choose the level of automation that best suits your needs and budget.
  • Exposed or Concealed options: Select the aesthetic that complements your restroom design.
  • Pressure-assist or Gravity-fed technology: Find the flushing power and water efficiency that aligns with your priorities.
  • High-performance models for commercial settings: Ensure durability and functionality in high-traffic areas.
  • Water-saving flushometers: Reduce water consumption without compromising on performance.

2. Expertise at Your Fingertips:

ProDryers doesn't just sell flushometers; they offer expert buying guidance. Their knowledgeable team can assist you in:

  • Understanding local building codes and flushometer requirements.
  • Selecting the ideal flushometer based on your project specifications and budget.
  • Navigating the different features and benefits offered by various brands and models.

3. Competitive Pricing and Value:

ProDryers is committed to providing you with the best value for your investment. They offer competitive pricing on all their flushometers, ensuring you get top-quality products without overspending. Additionally, they may have bulk purchase discounts or special promotions, further stretching your budget.

4. Seamless Customer Service:

ProDryers prioritizes customer satisfaction. Their dedicated team is readily available to answer your questions, address any concerns, and ensure a smooth buying experience. Here's what you can expect:

  • Prompt and professional communication.
  • Assistance with order placement and tracking.
  • Post-purchase support if needed.

5. Convenience and Efficiency:

ProDryers offers a user-friendly online store for easy browsing and purchasing. You can:

  • Compare different flushometer models side-by-side.
  • Access detailed product information and specifications.
  • Place your order quickly and securely.
  • Enjoy fast and reliable shipping.

ProDryers: Your Trusted Partner in Flushometers

By choosing ProDryers, you're not just buying a flushometer; you're gaining a trusted partner committed to your project's success. With their extensive selection, expert advice, competitive pricing, and exceptional service, ProDryers empowers you to make informed decisions and find the perfect flushometer solution for your needs.

Make ProDryers your first stop for all your flushometer requirements and experience the difference!