Sustainable Office Design: Unveiling Excel Dryer's Eco-Friendly HQ

Posted by Excel Dryer on May 9th 2024

Beyond Blueprints: Insights from Designing a Sustainable Workplace

Right from the outset, the vision stood distinct and resolute: to shape an office space that embodied unparalleled beauty, health, and sustainability.

In making this vision a reality, Excel Dryer embraced the WELL Building Standard®—not merely as an endpoint, but as a roadmap guiding them towards broader aspirations. Their aim was to pioneer new standards in design and sustainability, leveraging the latest eco-conscious technologies and products. The outcome? A 5,000-square-foot ode to the fusion of inventive functionality and unwavering commitment to health, well-being, and environmental stewardship.

Unleashing Innovative Zeal

In their pursuit of the ideal workspace, the Massachusetts-based company ventured beyond conventional boundaries, integrating avant-garde features in harmony with their own sustainability principles. From tranquil biophilic accents throughout the facility to integrated sink systems featuring Excel’s own XLERATORsync® Hand Dryer, the renovation’s every element underscores not just aesthetic enhancement but the company’s dedication to fostering employee health and well-being.

The comprehensive office overhaul mirrors Excel Dryer's trailblazing ethos, epitomizing their potential to craft spaces that are visually arresting while serving the greater good of occupants and the planet.

Sharing the Odyssey: Beyond the Revamp

While achieving their dream office was a milestone, the company recognized the project’s potential to enlighten and inspire—and they eagerly extend their insights through a novel continuing education unit (CEU) course in collaboration with the Architectural Records Continuing Education Center.

This endeavor transcends mere self-display; it's an earnest effort to engage architects, designers, and the wider community in dialogue. It's an invitation to challenge norms and reconceive the healthy and sustainable design of commercial spaces.

Join a New Era in Workplace Design

Excel Dryer invites professionals to be part of this dialogue, to draw inspiration from their forward-thinking project and apply it to future projects. The Well Building Standard – Commercial Office Space offers more than just education; it's a platform for innovation, collaboration, and reimagination.

Excel’s energy-efficient dryers with Electrostatic HEPA Filtration (eHEPA) stand tall among the distinguished brands showcased in the Works with WELL Directory, representing the company’s commitment to prioritizing human health and well-being in every facet of its operations. Through a steadfast dedication to crafting visually striking, people-oriented, and ecologically responsible workplaces, Excel Dryer exemplifies the attainability of a sustainable future. It all begins with a clear vision and an unwavering determination to excel.

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