ProDryers Blog

Do Hand Dryers Spread Germs

Dec 23rd 2021

There are a lot of internet-based rumors that claim hand dryers spread germs, sometimes even more germs than paper towels. But are these rumors true, or is there something else going on here?First thi … read more

History of Sloan Products

Dec 23rd 2021

ProDryers is a proud partner and distributor of Sloan products. But do you know the history of Sloan as a company or what their first products were? The story starts in 1906 when William Elvis Sl … read more

Differences Between Sinks and Wash Fountains

Dec 23rd 2021

Sinks and wash fountains alike are where people wash their hands, and you can usually find one or the other in any public restroom you visit. But is there a difference between the two products? If so, … read more

Why You Need to be ADA Compliant

Dec 23rd 2021

Maintaining a business that is ADA compliant can mean a little extra work and a few more expenses, but those minor inconveniences are completely worth it when you look at all the benefits that complia … read more