World Dryer Hand Dryers: Guaranteed Lowest Prices & Expert Support

In the market for top-of-the-line World Dryer hand dryers at unbeatable prices? Look no further than ProDryers! We offer the complete World Dryer product line, guaranteed to be the best price you'll find. Our exceptional customer service team, brimming with World Dryer expertise, is here to help you find the perfect hand dryer for your needs.

Buying Guide for World Dryer Hand Dryers

When it comes to purchasing a hand dryer for your facility, World Dryer is a trusted brand that offers a wide range of high-quality and durable options. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing a World Dryer hand dryer:

Type of Hand Dryer:

World Dryer offers a variety of hand dryer models to suit different needs. Some popular options include the VERDEdri, SMARTdri, VMax, SLIMdri, Airforce, and Nova series. Consider the size of your facility, the expected traffic, and the level of noise tolerance when selecting a model. We recommend the SLIMdri or VERDEdri for most facilities.

The SLIMdri and the VERDEdri are both high-speed hand dryers offered by World Dryer.

The SLIMdri (Model L-974A is the most popular) features a modern low-profile design with on/off heating controls and universal voltage. It is available in white and is priced around $430. Prices have been increasing post-covid and inflation has been a factor. But at the time of this writing, a SLIMdri can be purchased for less than $500 making it an attractive choice. The SLIMdri is capable of drying hands in as little as 10 seconds and is able to save up to 99% compared to paper towels.

On the other hand, the VERDEdri (Model Q-974A2 being the most popular) is a high-speed, surface-mounted ADA compliant hand dryer with flexible controls and hygienic features. It is available in white and is priced slightly higher. The VERDEdri also features HEPA filtration and is quieter than its previous model. The additional cost is well worth it as it is a superior model over the SLIMdri.

In terms of cost, the SLIMdri is more budget-friendly compared to the VERDEdri. However, the VERDEdri offers additional features such as HEPA filtration and improved noise levels.

Ultimately, the choice between the SLIMdri and VERDEdri will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the user. If budget is a concern, the SLIMdri may be the better option. However, if hygiene and noise levels are important factors, the VERDEdri may be the preferred choice.


Drying Time

Noise Level

Price Range

HEPA Filtration

ADA Compliance


15 sec

70 dBA





10 sec

75 dBA



Recess Kit


12 sec

69 dBA





10 sec

72 dBA





12 sec

68 dBA



Recess Kit


15 sec

70 dBA



Most Are

At ProDryers, we suggest the VERDEdri due to hygiene. Consider the HEPA filter:

HEPA filters work by using a dense network of fibers to capture particles as air passes through them. These filters are highly effective in capturing bacteria and viruses, as they are designed to capture particles as small as 0.3 microns with an efficiency of 99.97%. This means that the HEPA filter in the VERDEdri® hand dryer is able to capture a high percentage of bacteria and viruses, providing a more hygienic hand drying experience.

Antimicrobial technology on the hand dryer surface helps to inhibit the growth of bacteria, mold, and fungus that can cause stains, odors, or deterioration. This technology helps to create a cleaner environment by reducing the spread of germs on the surface of the hand dryer, promoting better hand hygiene for users.

Touchless operation on the hand dryer reduces the need for users to touch the device, minimizing the spread of germs from one person to another. By eliminating the need to touch buttons or handles, touchless operation promotes better hand hygiene and reduces the risk of cross-contamination in high-traffic areas such as restrooms.

Let's Talk Noise:

When considering World Dryer models, it is important to also take into account the noise levels produced by each hand dryer. Different models may have varying decibel ratings, with some being quieter than others. This information can be crucial for shoppers, especially if they are looking for a hand dryer for a location where noise levels are a concern, such as in an office space. Quieter hand dryers can help maintain a peaceful and comfortable environment, making them a preferable choice for certain settings. World Dryer offers a range of hand dryers with different noise levels, allowing you to find the perfect option for your specific needs. For example, the SLIMdri model operates at a noise level of 70 dBA, while the SMARTdri model has a noise level of 75 dBA.

If you are looking for a quieter hand dryer, the Nova model is a great choice with its noise level of 70 dBA. The VMax model is also a good option as it operates at a noise level of 72 dBA. These models can be particularly beneficial in noise-sensitive areas such as libraries, hospitals, or hotels, where maintaining a peaceful environment is essential.

In addition to the noise level, it is important to consider the drying time. World Dryer's newer hand dryers offer fast drying times, ensuring that users can dry their hands quickly and efficiently. The SLIMdri, for example, has a drying time of 15 seconds, while the SMARTdri and Nova models have drying times of 10 and 15 seconds respectively. The VMax and Airforce models provide even faster drying times of just 10 and 12 seconds respectively.

By investing in a World Dryer hand dryer with a By investing in a World Dryer hand dryer with a low noise level and quick drying time, you can provide a pleasant and efficient hand drying experience for your customers or employees. The noise level of a hand dryer can greatly impact the overall comfort of a space, especially in areas where quietness is important. World Dryer offers several models that prioritize a quieter operation, such as the VERDEdri and Nova models, with noise levels of 70 dBA or lower.

Material and Finish:

World Dryer hand dryers come in different materials and finishes such as aluminum, stainless steel, white epoxy, and brushed chrome. Choose a material and finish that best suits the aesthetics of your restroom and ensures durability for long-term use.

Hygiene Features:

Look for World Dryer hand dryers with hygiene features such as HEPA filters, antimicrobial technology, and touchless operation. These features help maintain a clean and hygienic environment in your restroom.

Energy Efficiency:

World Dryer offers energy-efficient hand dryers, with some models using as little as 3.16 watt-hrs per use. The Airforce hand dryer utilizes patented energy-efficient SteriTouch® antimicrobial technology. To determine the most energy-efficient model for your needs, it's helpful to compare wattage or energy consumption specifications of different World Dryer models available on this website.

The VERDEdri and Airforce hand dryers are both energy efficient options for commercial restrooms. The VERDEdri hand dryer is compact, hygienic, and extremely energy efficient, making it a great choice for facilities looking to reduce their environmental impact. It is designed to consume less energy while still providing a quick and effective hand drying experience. On the other hand, the Airforce dryer is known for being quiet yet powerful, offering a hygienic hand drying solution. While both hand dryers are energy efficient, the VERDEdri may have a slight edge in terms of energy consumption due to its compact size and efficient design. Ultimately, choosing between the VERDEdri and Airforce hand dryers will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the facility.

Speed and Performance:

Check the drying speed of the hand dryer. World Dryer hand dryers are known for their fast drying times, with some models capable of drying hands in as little as 10-15 seconds. Choose a model that offers efficient performance to accommodate high traffic areas.

ADA Compliance:

Ensure that the World Dryer hand dryer you choose is ADA-compliant if your facility is required to meet ADA regulations. ADA-compliant hand dryers are designed to be accessible for individuals with disabilities.

The VERDEdri and SLIMdri achieve ADA compliance as surface-mount models without the need for a Recess Kit by having a low-profile design that allows for easy installation at the required height for accessibility. This design eliminates the need for expensive recess kits or additional installation expenses, making it a cost-effective and efficient solution for ADA compliance. Additionally, both hand dryers have flexible controls and universal voltage capabilities, further enhancing their adaptability to meet ADA requirements in various building settings.

Installation Tips:

Installation can vary depending on the model. Surface-mounted models, such as the World Dryer L-973A SLIMdri and the World Dryer J-974A3 Airforce, are typically easier to install as they can be mounted directly onto the wall. These models may also come with mounting hardware included, making installation straightforward.

On the other hand, older, mostly-retired recessed models, like the World Dryer DA5-974 Push Button Hand Dryer, may have require additional installation steps as they needed to be recessed into the wall. For similar models, it is important to ensure that the wall cavity is the correct size and depth to accommodate the hand dryer.

Some models, like the World Dryer SMARTdri or Airforce, may require the purchase of a separate recess kit for installation. It is important to check the product specifications and installation instructions provided by World Dryer to ensure a smooth installation process.

Customer Reviews:

Shoppers can find customer reviews on World Dryer products on the Hand Dryer Supply website or by searching for reviews on third-party review sites.

Some positive aspects highlighted in customer reviews include the durability of World Dryer products, with many customers noting that the hand dryers are sturdy and able to withstand heavy use. Additionally, customers often praise the drying speed of World Dryer products, mentioning that they dry hands quickly and efficiently, saving time for users.

ProDryers offers many reviews on the site and by third party review sites such as Google, Shopper Approved, Site Jabber and more. Many of the products on ProDryers carry product reviews displayed right on the site to make shopping and comparing easy. You can also find Google product reviews per each model collected by ProDryers (and others) customers. Call our team and have a quick conversation with our World Dryer experts.

Maintenance and Warranty:

Consider the ease of maintenance and availability of warranty for the hand dryer. World Dryer offers durable products that require low maintenance, but it's important to check the warranty coverage for peace of mind.




10 year limited


10 year limited


10 year limited


5 year limited


Overall, World Dryer hand dryers are a reliable choice for commercial restrooms, offering a balance of performance, durability, hygiene, and energy efficiency. By considering these factors and choosing the right model for your facility, you can ensure a positive hand drying experience for your customers and visitors. Call 888-503-7937 for a quote or buy online now!